Peniel CrossRoads

Where we realize biblical unity through a face-to-face encounter with God

We exist to facilitate encounters with God for healing, forgiveness and reconciliation.

Our services

  • Wholeness Weekends

    This is typically a two-day retreat format, interspersing biblical teaching, small group discussion, guided prayer and a Wholeness Walk. We recommend this for churches wanting to increase their capacity to walk in forgiveness and peacemaking and to create an environment conducive to reconciliation..

  • "Revitalizing Mission to our Community"

    In this interactive seminar, Chris and Julie will guide your church to re-discover mission-driven community outreach, helping churches to build deeper relationships with their neighbors. Chris’s teaching fosters a deep understanding of biblical foundations that drive mission, while Julie provides practical steps that lead to Christian Community Development.

  • Workshop Speaking

    Invite Chris or Julie to speak at your church or community event on the subjects of “Basics of Biblical Unity” or “Speaking the Truth in Love: Engaging People in Loving Conversations on Divisive Topics”. We recommend this if you require teaching on biblical peacemaking and engaging in transformative conversations.

Why "Peniel CrossRoads”?

How did we arrive at such an odd name?

 I’m glad you asked!

A crossroads is a place of meeting, a place of decision. It is a point where a new direction may begin through intentional action. And a CrossRoads is in the shape of…well, the Cross!

There is a lot of confusion today about where unity comes from or even what it looks like. Christian unity is not uniformity or conformity; it is not accepting all or any beliefs or lifestyles. Christian unity is a GIFT afforded us in the cross of Christ.

The cross was a historic place where heaven and earth met to restore harmony, as the Author of Creation allowed His own Son to bear the sins, weaknesses and infirmities of the human race and to carry those away, removing all barriers to restoration. Through Jesus’s offering of His own life on the cross, we were and ARE fully reconciled to God in Christ!

 Outside of coming to God through Jesus’s atonement for us at the cross, we have NO HOPE of harmonious relationship with Him. And we also have no hope of full reconciliation with one another! It is this message of the GIFT of Unity through the cross of Christ that is the starting point for Christian unity.

 In this season of increasing upheaval in our communities and the nations, we desire for the message about Christian unity, as expounded in the Scriptures, to be a crossroads to reconciliation and healing in the Church for the world.

 Let’s be clear: We cannot get to the place of reconciliation and healing on our own. Healing and reconciliation MUST be led and empowered by God. We cannot stress this enough! WE. NEED. GOD. We need His divine touch, to be forever healed and changed by Him ourselves before we can become messengers of reconciliation!! (Thus, the name “Peniel”. See our blog post about “The Face of God” for more on that!)

 And yet, God has called US to be His messengers of reconciliation: to declare that God in Christ was reconciling the world to himself! "And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors…We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God."

2 Corinthians 5:19-20

 In an era of confusing news reports, relational turmoil, and disharmony in the larger culture, the message of Christian reconciliation and unity is needed now more than ever! We look forward to connecting with you and to exploring and embracing God’s heart for His Bride the Church as one

Get started with Peniel Crossroads, Today.